Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Graduation Speech

A famous author once said “don't cry because it's over,smile because it happened¨. If you do not know who the quote is by, I say you probably have heard his name before. His name is Dr.Suess.
My years at Golf and Hynes were some of the best years of my life. We all lose friends and we all go through tough times in our life but Golf has the most amazing  people that help you through it either it's a teacher or a friend but we all stick together like a big family. Golf is one of the most smallest schools going to Niles North but everyone who went to Golf remembers everyone they went to school with because our school is little but sometimes small is good.
Kindergarten, one of the best and most scariest days of my life. From letting go of butterflies in the garden and learning how to do math and read. It was one of the most important years of my life. I remember it was the year I  learned how to snap.
Third grade, when we started moving into different math groups and I remember when Mrs.Featherstone on Valentine's day made us write something nice about someone on each of their paper heart. I still remember the things people wrote about me. Back then Mrs.Featherstone was a teacher and that just shows how old we are all getting.
Now I'm going to skip to fourth grade where we did the fourth grade play and where I found out I love theater. I was a detective in the play. We had reading buddies, then when it was close to the end of fourth grade we took a trip to Golf and got cookies.
Moving to Golf was scary. So many new people came  but  it was exciting. I was in Mrs.Feinstein's RTI where we read The Giver and she said that she would take us to go see the movie when it came out. That was when  I actually started to enjoy reading. Now Mrs.Joyner has to yell at me to put a book down.
Our grade is kinda wild and crazy but our teachers put up with us and that's the best thing they can possibly do. I know that nothing is perfect but if  I had one word to describe my years at Golf, I would say perfect.
We are all going to miss every single teacher and staff at Golf because they do so much for us. So on behalf of the class of 2016, We are going to miss you.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Endings and Beginnings

This year is my last year at Golf and I feel like i'm leaving everything behind but i'm also starting a new school and everything going to change for me. New friends but I hope I keep my old friends and new teachers. My last month at Golf is going to pass by fast because there is so many things to do. Like the ABC countdown which starts this week and each day is something fun. Also there's our eighth grade dance and graduation, Camp McLean and so many other fun things.But were also getting ready for high school like finals. Everything we do this month is making me feel like we leave something behind each day but then get ready for the next. I'm ready to move on to high school but it means I have to leave golf.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Tests are so stupid like what's the point of homework since we have tests. The way tests work is that people forget about it and study the night before and end up going to sleep late like at 2 am and then are late to school because they slept late and missed the bus. Then when it is time to take the test there too tired and can't even hold a pencil.They end up falling asleep during the test and fail it. Tests are just too stressful and cause anxiety which is bad for your health. I say we should get rid of tests. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

holocaust trip


Going to the holocaust museum was really interesting and fun but it was also really upsetting because their explaining about all these people getting murdered and dying. Although I thought the whole thing was very interesting overall even though I had to walk to walk for 3 hours. We even got a survivor from the holocaust to come speak to us about his experience. He told us his story and showed us his tattoo from Auschwitz. I know a lot about the holocaust now because we are also learning about the holocaust in social studies. I really encourage for people to go to the museum because it's an amazing experience and you learn a lot. 

Image result for the holocaust

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Diary Post


(point of view of someone who lived during the holocaust)

Dear Diary,
Today was an okay day.I went to school,played,went home and I learned a lot about "the Jews".
Mom says I should be happy that i'm not a Jew because Jews did bad things and now were getting back at them. Although I don't understand what's so terrible about them I mean one of my best friends was Jewish and he was never mean to anyone.Then my teacher told me he had to leave school and will not be returning but then again that happened with a lot of kids.What did they do? My dad always tells me he's serving his country and is proud to get rid of the "monsters". He says he's making it a better place for me. I don't believe it  I mean I want to he's my dad but I can't. Something about the whole thing makes me sick. My sister says they deserve to die. No one deserves to die. A couple weeks ago I saw an old women get hit by a Nazi just because she was Jewish. Surely my dad wouldn't do that. I no longer see the old women, I was hoping I could've told her that it wasn't bad to be Jewish. Also today I think I saw a car that was suppose to hold horses but instead there was like bones inside except they were alive and screaming. I'm only 10 so i'd like to say they were zombies because they were so skinny but I know better. They looked so unhappy I want to help them but father doesn't allow me to go near anyone with the star of David on there clothes. We live in a terrible world my father says but what I think the world that he thinks he's building is even worse.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

School Post

Image result for hsm graduation
I am really excited to graduate because we get to got to a new school. I'm excited to meet new people but at the same time it's stressful because most likely your friends won't be in your class but meeting new people is a good start to a new school."Make new friends but keep the old". Also it's really fun being near the end of the year because for our school theres this things called the abc countdown and it's basically the last 26 days of school for eight graders every day there's something fun.Like if its G for the day it would be like eat gum day.There's Beach Day on the letter B.There's also the eight grade dance i'm looking forward too. Also going to Camp Mclean which is when we get too stay 2 nights there.They serve us good food and there's ziplining there. We get a walkthrough of the whole school.It's where everyone in the whole school including teachers and staff stands outisde in the hallway against the walls and lockers while the eighth graders walk through the whole school dressed nicely and everyone claps. I cannot wait until May.

Quotation Post

We must live, and when this is all over, we must work to make the world a better place.  And if we die, we will die knowing that it was not our fault, that we did our best, and we can go to our deaths in dignity… I want you both to live…And to remember...You must choose love.  Always choose love.”  
For this quote it reminds me about the movie the notebook,because in the movie theres a man and a women who fell in love when they were very young.Allie(the girl)moved far away and her parents didn't approve of Noah (the guy).They didn't approve of him because he was poor and worked at a young age.He wrote to her every day for a year. Allie waited for him for seven years. During those seven years she became a nurse and healed a man who got injured during a war. Lon (the injured man) asked her out on a date. She said "lets wait until after your healed". So once he was healed he asked her out again. They ended up getting engaged,but then she saw a picture of noah in paper next to her dream house that he built.She decided to go see him again. So she did and she fell in love with him again, maybe she never stopped loving him.She had a choice and she choose him after a while. She couldn't leave her first love even if she did really like lon.She choose love.Thats why the quote reminds me about the movie the notebook.