Friday, January 29, 2016

My baby

Ricardo: Hello I'm ricardo and let's just say I'm not a very attractive child. I get bullied at school alot and it makes me sad. It's not even my fault i'm like this. Well I don't really look like either of my mom's.At school people make fun of me because I have a tail and others things too. I hate being different. My school councler says I should get a outside side of school therapsit. Should I?

My Mother Arlette: I had a baby with Maddy Cox. His name is Ricardo Cox. He has long curly orange hair, horns, and a halo. He has fat lips like kylie jenner. He has a fat body and 2 toes on each foot. Oh and he has a tail. Ricardo has trouble fitting in at school because he has a tail. People think he's scary. They won't go near him. As a mother I feel terrible about his situation. It wasn't his fault he was born like that it was mine and my wife Maddy. He is a very good child he has a halo but then at times he can be a naughty child, his horns make him bad. I don't know what to do about him. Should I get a therapist?

The therapist: I think he should stop worrying about his looks. He needs to make more friends like him in the same situation. He could put makeup on if he truly believes he can't do anything
Image result for quotes on appearance
Be yourself

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Food Post

Image result for tamales

A food that I learned to make with my mom is tamales.Its so fun and it's a Mexican tradition.What you need to make tamales is tamale leafs,chicken,dough,and hot sauce.First you would lay out the tamale leaf on your hand get a chunk of dough and spread it across the tamale leaf then you would take chicken strips and put it on top of the dough and add the sauce.The more sauce you add the spicier it is.The fun part is that it gets messy and you get to have fun making them.Like I purposely put dough on my sister's face and it was so fun.Making tamales would be more for special occasions because it takes so long to make.It's worth it though.Watching everyone try so hard like even my little brother tried and it was so funny and adorable and seeing my mom get frusterated while watching me mess it up its so funny.It's my favorite thing about holidays like for new years we made tamales really early in the morning and we stayed up really late eating them.Starting out a new year eating tamales with friends and family is great.Image result for family making tamalesFYI The second picture is not actually a picture of my family.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

About me

Im the one that looks like i'm praying with a bandana.
I was on the basketball team.I'm on the cheerleading squad and Ive done Taekwondo for about 5 years now.I like scary movies and Rollercoasters.I like going ice skating with my friends.I play the voilin and flute.I love music and dogs.I have a dog.I know how to ride a nickle board.So yeah

5 seconds of summer post

I'm like really excited about there tour because there coming on my birthday.Like legit like not even a day after.Its on my birthday.I want to see them so bad and meet calum because he's my favorite.This is one of my favorite songs but my all time favorite is when they did a cover of as long as you love me when they were fetus.The song is about the hard times and money problems.I hate how people think there shallow when thier really not.They write meaningful songs.There babes.
Topic creds to bella

Thursday, January 14, 2016

(spoiler) The boy movie review

Image result for the boy

The boy is about a family that has a "child' leaves and puts a lady in charge.They give her rules that she must not break.(or else she dies or something bad happens)She ends up breaking all the rules.I don't know what happens at the end.
I liked it.I think by just seeing the trailer is that i've never seen any other scary movie like it so I didn't know what to expect.It's not like the purge or like the  exorcism where you know what's going to happen.
What I didn't like is that they give so much away in the trailer but the end,but I still want to see it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New years

New years:
One goal for 2016 is to be able to plan my quincenera completly and learn how to dance,because I honestly have no idea what i'm going to do.Like my friend berny she's having hers a month before me already has everything planned.I have to learn how to dance really well because in a quincenera you have to do a suprise dance and it's suppose to be good.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas post

A gift I would like for Christmas is a giant Costco teddy bear because I want to use it as a bed and I like cuddling.

Debate topic

Approximately 20 thousand teen births did not happen when the show 16 and pregnant started,online teens are going on social media and searching for things like how do i get birth control. The popularity of the show is rating wise:most popular show on mtv when new episodes are on But then again mtv said they the point of the  show was to show the reality of teen pregnancy and its as a warning sign.Tv shows need to be entertaining enough to bring viewers back each week.They fill the show with drama and violance thats more like a telenovela.Girls who have been abused or neglegated are the ones who are inspired by the show.But the only way to do that is to have a baby.Teen Preganancy has become a job.