Friday, January 29, 2016

My baby

Ricardo: Hello I'm ricardo and let's just say I'm not a very attractive child. I get bullied at school alot and it makes me sad. It's not even my fault i'm like this. Well I don't really look like either of my mom's.At school people make fun of me because I have a tail and others things too. I hate being different. My school councler says I should get a outside side of school therapsit. Should I?

My Mother Arlette: I had a baby with Maddy Cox. His name is Ricardo Cox. He has long curly orange hair, horns, and a halo. He has fat lips like kylie jenner. He has a fat body and 2 toes on each foot. Oh and he has a tail. Ricardo has trouble fitting in at school because he has a tail. People think he's scary. They won't go near him. As a mother I feel terrible about his situation. It wasn't his fault he was born like that it was mine and my wife Maddy. He is a very good child he has a halo but then at times he can be a naughty child, his horns make him bad. I don't know what to do about him. Should I get a therapist?

The therapist: I think he should stop worrying about his looks. He needs to make more friends like him in the same situation. He could put makeup on if he truly believes he can't do anything
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Be yourself